I am fascinated by high-quality research for health, wellness, and overall personal growth.

My mission is to give you a practical explanation about the topic at hand and provide you with specif steps to incorporate that topic/habit into your life

diana lozada diana lozada

Spring Detox Guide

Spring is a time of cleansing and renewal. Brighter, longer, warmers days bring a feeling of excitement, energy of growth, renewal, and change. It is also a very important season in regards to our health!

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diana lozada diana lozada

The Guide: How to Biohack Holidays Indulgences

The holiday feeling is in the air! Dinners with lots of rich dishes and loads of tasty toasts can lead to the accumulation of toxins and harmful microelements. Your body responds with inflammation, mood swings, hormonal imbalances, weight gain, poor sleep, increased appetite, etc. This guide will teach you how to healthily Biohack your holiday indulgences and restore your body. We will be focusing on eliminating toxins that involve the liver, kidneys, digestive system, skin, and lungs.

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diana lozada diana lozada

Sweet Thing! Practice Sugar Distancing

Using food as fulfillment, not as fuel, impacts our well-being. Today I am going to concentrate on sugar, and will share what Sugar Distancing is, why it’s important, and how to add strategies to implement to your day-to-day life while protecting your health.

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diana lozada diana lozada

Journaling To Improve Your Health

“Writing is not just for writers. Writing is a way to get in touch of your emotions, record your feelings, organize your thoughts, bring excitement to your life with new projects, and bring ideas to life. It is also a way to deal with your own wounds”

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diana lozada diana lozada

Why Should I Fast?

Optimize your health by incorporating Intermittent Fasting to your daily habits

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diana lozada diana lozada

My Love for Coffee

Do you love coffee?

Me too. Let me show you how you can enjoy this beauty without altering your nervous system

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