Hi! I’m Diana

I teach busy women, like myself, to discover how to look good and feel even better by learning how to leverage the power of nutrition + movement.

I am committed to guiding and inspiring you to finally break free from an unhealthy relationship with food, tapping into your intuition so that you can thrive at everything you do, personally and professionally.







Integrative Nutritionist

I’m so glad you’re here!

I know you have the potential to be living your best life, one where you feel and look healthy, where you’re excited to wake up every day just for the adventure of it. Of course, if that feels like a far cry from where you are right now - don’t worry.

I’ve been there, too.

 For many years I suffered from extreme back pain. Eventually, the pain became so intense that I couldn’t even stand straight, impacting everything I did throughout the day even how I thought. When I went to see a sports doctor, he recommended that I try a combination of physiotherapy and acupuncture.

 Unfortunately, the pain only got worse.

After rounds of exams and x-rays, I was given pain and medication and I was told to keep stretching and try yoga. And, once that failed, I sought out Heated Pilates and other types of stretching and mild exercise to try to ease the pain. To my dismay, none of what I was trying was working.


My pain got so excruciating one day that I had to go to the emergency room, where, after various MRIS and many specialist appointments, I was diagnosed with an immune disease known as Ankylosis Spondylitis (AS), as well as a dislocated disc in my back. I was told that I would have to be on medication for the rest of my life plus have a back surgery. It was devastating… my daughter was 4 yrs old then.


But I refused to accept that reality.


Rather than giving up, I focused on what I could do to get better. As I researched, I came across auto-inflammatory diets and low impact activity combining mobility stretching, Pilates, and yoga, which were working better now that I was controlling my inflammation with steroids. I managed to get referred to the top clinic in North America specializing in AS and, after just a few months of following my own natural regimen, I was told by the doctor that not only was my inflammation under control, but my disease was actually no longer active.


In that moment, I realized what I had done - I had learned how to take care of myself, allowing my body to do what it’s designed to do: Heal.


Today, I’m using my 10+ years of experience as a leader and coach, my passion for movement + food, and my optimistic and compassionate personality, to help others live their best life - and it all starts with nutrition.